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Canvas bag factory, Guangzhou canvas bag, canvas bag silk screen
Canvas bag packaging design must play a promotional role, first of all, it must attract the attention of consumers, because only by attracting the attention of consumers Only products can be purchased. Therefore, the packaging should use novel and unique shapes, bright and eye-catching colors, beautiful and exquisite patterns, and materials with unique characteristics to make the packaging have an eye-catching effect, so that consumers will have a strong interest as soon as they see it. The unique and novel shape can attract consumers' attention. For example, the shape of wine bottles is generally cylindrical. Some wine bottles use imitation shapes and are designed into complex anchor shapes or human shapes. Among a batch of wine bottles with cylindrical and cuboid shapes, they will appear very prominent and beautiful. The beauty of color is the easiest thing for people to feel. Some market scholars even believe that color is the first factor that determines sales. In long-term market surveys, they found that some colors used as product packaging will make the product surprisingly difficult to sell. Gray is one of them. They believe that this is because gray is difficult to make people excited, and naturally it is difficult to generate the impulse to buy. They proposed that red, blue, white, and black are big sales colors. This was discovered when they made images of red, blue, white, black, green, orange, yellow, and brown and compared them. Take red as an example. It has the largest number of images, and is the image that has the strongest relationship with life, such as the sun, fire, and blood. Therefore, red is the easiest to excite people.
Customized telephone number Ms. Ma’s WeChat
Company address: Longdong North Plaza, Building, Longdong North Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou
Factory address: No. Xinye Road, South Industrial Avenue, Haizhu District, Guangzhou
Canvas bag factory, Guangzhou canvas bag, canvas bag screen printing